HTI welcomes our new co-blogger, Susan Morgan, to the “On the Ground” blog. She will work with longtime blog contributor Isabelle Boucq to continue featuring articles on a variety of topics, including HT practitioners, programming, and therapeutic gardens around the world. Susan is an HTI graduate and completed her HT internship at the Chicago Botanic Garden, where she worked with a variety of groups, including young men incarcerated at a boot camp style jail, youth at risk, and individuals with developmental disabilities. She holds degrees in horticulture from the University of Tennessee, including M.S. in public horticulture, and an international diploma in botanic garden education from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in England. As horticulturist and therapeutic horticulture practitioner with her business, The Horticultural Link, LLC, Susan delivers therapeutic horticulture services in Dallas, Texas, as well as offers horticultural consultations and freelance writing services. Her writings and photography have been featured in the American Horticultural Therapy Association News Magazine, Journal of Environmental Education, and Scripps Networks Interactive / HGTV websites, where she was previously assistant gardening editor, online. A recipient of AHTA’s Alice Burlingame Humanitarian Service Award, she blogs about her experiences in therapeutic horticulture and gardening and shares activity ideas, recipes, and other musings at
Author: Isabelle Boucq
Isabelle Boucq, a French native and former HTI student, worked for over 20 years as a freelance journalist covering high tech, business and many other topics in French and in English. With her American husband and two sons, she has lived alternatively in Paris and in California. In 2010, she discovered HT and attended HTI classes before volunteering in an adult day center under the supervision of a HTI graduate. While preparing to return to France in the spring of 2012, she started a blog in French, Le bonheur est dans le jardin, to help French speakers discover the field of horticultural therapy through a variety of programs in France, in the US and all over the world. In 2018, she co-founded and served as the first president of the Fédération Française Jardins Nature et Santé to raise awareness about HT and other ecotherapies. That year, she also completed her studies in psychology. She currently works as a psychologist in a public hospital and in private practice in France